Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes!

All the kids keep coming to us and telling us that we are supposed to adopt another brother. They are frustrated with us that we are "not listening to Jesus". We have put off telling them about Teddy because the wait during the adoption process is always so hard on them. We have been very careful to make sure they did not overhear anything or stumble across anything that would make them suspect we were adopting again.

Well this morning, my 8 year old daughter came to me with much earnest and insisted that she had something to say and I needed to listen. She then told me that last night she prayed to Heavenly Father to ask about her new brother. She said that Heavenly Father told her that she would be getting a new brother from Africa around Christmas time. With all seriousness, she looked me in the eyes and said, "I know this is true! You need to pray about this." I warmly told her that I already had and that I would tell her the answer later. She got a big grin and that seemed to satisfy her.

Looks like we need to have a family meeting tonight! Our kids are feeling so much anxiety about this anyway, we might as well bring them into the loop. I love having inspired children!!! I just hope that they keep this innocent obediance to God the rest of their lives.

Once our children know, the whole world is going to know. So I guess it is also time to tell the extended family. I hope that we recieved the title of insanely nuts a long time ago so this won't be too shocking for anyone. I have really been enjoying this adoption without any negativity from family members. I also thought it was good to spare them the rollercoaster ride that can be so hard on everyone. It takes courage to open this pandoras box when I know there are many out there who do not share our values. I completely understand why people would think we are crazy. Frankly, before my family became what it is, I thought families like ours were crazy too. Now I know though that when you follow God's plan for you, you will find true happiness, life fulfillment and purpose. I am happy, I wouldn't trade lives with anyone, and that is good enough for me.

Teddy, I am so grateful that I get to be your mother!! You must be a truly special boy because God obviously has a special plan for you.


The Hermyzoo! said...

WOW~ You couldn't have said this any better. This is exactely how I have felt at times. Your words were perfect. Thanks so much for sharing. It's so nice to see that others go through what you do sometimes.

Your children are amazing. How amazing that they keep telling you there spiritual experiences. We have been through a couple of adoptions and have fallen through and it has been so hard on are children. Each time we wait longer and longer to include them in on what we are working on.

Kelly said...

I know how you feel. Our adoption from Haiti took 19 LONG months and our kids were included from day 1. Big mistake. It ended up consuming so much of our family life. On our next adoption, we told everyone as we were leaving to get Clarissa. This was a bit of a shock. I hope that this will be a happy medium.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
I love this picture of Maya, she is looking so grown-up! Congratualtions on your growing family. You are in our thoughts and prayers.